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We believe belonging starts in the classroom.

Through its Education Initiative, The Asian American Foundation aims to advance a national infrastructure and movement to teach AAPI history in schools. But to achieve that, teachers need guidance and trusted resources. We have created the AAPI History Hub with the needs of educators in mind, providing a centralized, vetted, and interactive platform to access lesson plans, multimedia, and other learning materials on Asian American and Pacific Islander history.

TAAF logo overlay with AAPI history imagery

We believe AAPI history is American history.

Yet, according to TAAF’s annual Social Tracking of Asian Americans in the U.S. (STAATUS) Index, the leading study on perceptions and attitudes towards the AAPI community, 55% of Americans are unable to name a single historical event related to Asian Americans. The same study found that Americans feel the most effective way to decrease racism towards Asian Americans is by teaching AAPI history in schools.

Summit 2024 - STAATUS Data Viz

We believe our moment is now.

The desire of Americans to learn more about AAPIs has been met by a wave of AAPI students, organizers, educators, and policymakers advocating for the adoption of AAPI history in classrooms, including the historic passage of the TEAACH Act in Illinois. But this is just the beginning–the fight continues to bring inclusive education to students nationwide.

K-12 students in a classroom

Belonging starts with learning. Our hope is that bringing AAPI history into the classroom not only enriches and inspires students, but helps them to cultivate a sense of shared humanity.

How did we create the Hub?

We worked with grantees, partners, content creators and existing curriculum projects to identify, vet, and compile high-quality resources ready for K-12 classrooms.

Our Process


We partnered with historians, educators, nonprofits and cultural institutions to help us collect and uncover unique, impactful materials.

Expert and teacher input

AAPI history and Ethnic Studies experts, state level practitioners, and classroom teachers advised us to ensure the Hub provides educators with the best materials for teaching AAPI history.

Classroom-ready resources

We know that teachers’ time is precious so we prioritized inclusion of complete lesson plans and resources with teacher guidance to help educators more easily teach AAPI history.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to our most commonly asked questions about the AAPI History Hub and its use.

  • How did you decide which resources to include in the AAPI History Hub?

    In partnership with the Social Studies Accelerator, The Asian American Foundation started by sourcing the initial set of curricular resources from its grantees and close partners. A quality review team and advisory committee, comprised of K-12 teachers, social studies experts, historians and leaders of AAPI-focused organizations, evaluated resources based on their alignment with K-12 standards, relevance to AAPI history, and usability in the classroom. As a result, all Hub resources include a complete lesson plan or key components that can help K-12 teachers create their own lessons on AAPI history and culture.

  • Why should I create a My Hub account?

    Creating a My Hub account allows you to enhance how you interact with our resources. Your personalized account (created by signing in via Google or using a magic link) allows you to save and curate your own AAPI curricular library, tailored specifically to your classes and interests. You can also use our notes feature to capture your ideas for teaching or integrating with other lessons, making it easier to implement these resources in your classroom.

  • How can I share my feedback on the AAPI History Hub or a specific resource?

    We’d love to hear from you! Please use the Contact Us form to send us your thoughts, suggestions, or feedback about the AAPI History Hub or a specific resource.

    We’re also excited to share that we’re working on a way to capture user stories and testimonials about how these resources are being implemented in the classroom. Whether you’ve had success with a particular resource or found something especially impactful, we’d love to hear your story! Your insights will help us continue to improve and grow our offerings.

  • I’m having technical issues with a My Hub account - what can I do?

    If you’re experiencing technical trouble with your user account, please fill out the Contact Us form and select the option related to account issues. Our support team will review your request and get back to you as soon as possible to help resolve the problem.

    Please include any specific details about the issue you’re facing, such as error messages or steps you’ve taken, as this can help us assist you more efficiently.

  • How can I share a resource to be included on the AAPI History Hub?

    We know that the educator community has many valuable curricular resources that would be great additions to the AAPI History Hub. While we launched with materials from partner organizations to ensure thorough review and categorization, we look forward to expanding the Hub with contributions from the broader community.

    In the coming months, we’ll share more details about how you can submit additional resources that reflect the diverse histories and experiences of our AAPI community. Please note that new content will be added to the Hub 2-3 times a year, so while we welcome suggestions, there may be a waiting period before new resources are included. Sign up for the Hub newsletter to stay tuned for updates on how you can contribute!