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Lesson Plan, Video, Activity :

Lesson Plan, Video, Activity Between Black and White: Asian Americans Speak Out - From Kingston, Jamaica to Jamaica, Queens

  • Grade Level 6th-12th Grade
  • Time Period 1950 - 2009
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“From Kingston, Jamaica to Jamaica, Queens” tells the story of Patricia “Pat” Chin, the co-founder of VP Records, one of the largest reggae record labels. Chin’s parents were part of an early twentieth-century immigration wave of Chinese to Jamaica.

Students will examine the life of Patricia “Pat” Chin, a Jamaican of Chinese and Indian descent who immigrated to the United States and had a significant impact on the reggae music business. Gain an understanding of the historical context in which Chin immigrated to the United States through a Background Essay. Students will apply what they’ve learned by analyzing their own migration stories and research a Jamaican reggae resistance song against British colonialism.

View “From Kingston, Jamaica to Jamaica, Queens,” the third episode of Between Black & White: Asian Americans Speak Out, a three-part series from Exploring Hate: Anti-Semitism, Racism, and Extremism and the Serica Initiative, to learn about communities building bridges and fighting hate together.

Sensitive: This resource contains material that may be sensitive for some students. Teachers should exercise discretion in evaluating whether this resource is suitable for their class.

Essential Questions

  • Why do you think people migrate from one country to another?

  • What was Pat Chin known for in the music world, and why is this often surprising to people?

  • Who were Chin‘s parents, and how did they contribute to Jamaica? How did this influence her future work?

  • How did Chin shift her Jamaican roots to New York City? What did she offer to her new home?

  • How is music an expression of resistance?

  • What mobile and portable skills did Chin demonstrate throughout the film clip? What strategies allowed her to thrive in Jamaica and New York City?